Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alleycats Recognized


Today i was very happy because my favourite singer Mr David Arumugam from the group ALLEYCATS well known to all walks of life in Malaysia has finally got his Datukship.Who does not know Alleycats .From the baby who sucks thumb to the very elderly man with a walking stick from all races in Malaysia will sing along their song .I am a fan of Alleycats since the early 80's.I remember their songs such Senandung semalam,Hingga akhir nanti, and many more.Alleycats is combination of two brothers Thyiagarajan(David) Arumugam and his late brother Loganathan Arumugam and together with their band which was Malaysia only non malay performers who can sing and perform beautifull malay songs which has captured the hearts of all the Malaysian especially the Malay audience.
Alleycats was formed in the year 1969 and got the name ALLEYCATS because where they live and started their career was an alley and there were many cats so thats why they called themselves as Alleycats.This group was the only group that has manage to stay together and devoted to their music for almost 40 years for their fans and still going strong.With the demise of Loganathan in the year 2007 this group is still strong and the spirit of music is still going for their fans.Datuk David Arumugam recieve his JSM (Johan setia mahkota) from the king last December.And now just after few months he was awarded DIMP(Darjah indera mahkota pahang) which carries the title Datuk.
Datuk david

Thats a straight row of awards he has been receiving for his remarkable showmanship and his dedication with his band members for the fans of Alleycats.The Alleycats today is a legend after the late P.Ramlee.I think with the award given to Datuk David i suggest the goverment should also award and pay tribute to his brother Loganathan.Anyway all i can say is TERIIIMA KASIIIIH

David ArumugamFor more information about the Alleycats visit

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